The Jewish Five Jar Method to Financial Freedom

Giving and Finances Sermons

The Jewish Five Jar Method to Financial Freedom

Based on the Jewish torah on how to become finically successful this method will lift you out of a place of poverty and into a place of comfort for yourself and those you love while at the same time giving you the joy of giving and supporting the work of God.

The concept is simple- take five jars and label them then take 10 loonies and place them in the jars

  1. TitheLoving God – recognize that the Lord is the one who gives to us, that as a loving Father he cares for and keeps us save. We then in turn honour his love ofr us by giving back to him 10% of of each dollar earned.  This is a source of great peace. Place the first loonie in the tithing  jar – Open once an month and take to the house of the Lord


Giving and offerings – Loving your Neighbour  – recognize that we are responsible for those we love in our family, in our neighbourhood and in our town and in our province and world. There are times when those we love fall on hard times-, having the means to help someone is a valuable asset and a source of joy! Place the next loonie in the giving jar. – Opened on Sundays and brought to the house of the Lord or to those in need.

Savings – Loving your Church Family – Being independent is a way of loving those in your church family and extended community. Caring for yourself by being as independent as possible helps yourself, the family and those you love-and your community. hard times and rainy days will come to us all in life and it’s important to be prepared for them, with a healthy savings plan in place you won’t be forced to borrow from banks, friends or loved ones and won’t become a drain on community resources. This brings great contentment Place the next loonie in the saving jar. This jar is only opened on special occasions


Investing – Loving your Community – When we have money to invest in those we love and in our community we all grow and prosper, seeing the trust an elder has in a young person to grow their business and lively hood produces great community spirit and help for the future. This will also give an income for you as you age and give you the ability to leave an inheritance to your children and grandchildren. Place the next  two loonies in the investing jar. This jar is only opened when full.


Spending – Loving your Family and Yourself. Spending at this level is for your immediate needs. – Housing, shelter, food, clothing and things that make for joy. Place the final five loonies in the jar.