Terms Of Service

When you enroll on any Enroll to Grow Network site you are agreeing to follow these simple terms and services.

Terms of Service are simple – we provide access to a number of online products and services through out network of online websites.





1) Enjoy and use the services at your convenience.

2) Remain respectful and kind to others

3) Maintain basic community conversational standards (i.e. no swearing or cursing, gossiping, crude or off colored jokes, defaming or libelous actions towards others)

4) Maintain basic community standards for all Profile Pics – Headshots only, or generic pics, all other pictures can not contain nudity or provocative pictures.

Illegal Activity

As a family-friendly site, we do not tolerate nor allow in any way, pornography, nudity, online stalking, abuse or bullying, or any illegal activities. Those who do these things will be promptly reported to local authorities and have their account frozen.

Disclaimer: as a not-for-profit site we will not be responsible for any illegal activity or for those who commit illegal activity through the misuse of these services while on our sites. We maintain rigorous site admin to keep cybercriminals at bay


MLM’s and all “Cash based only” businesses or pyramid schemes are not allowed on the site.

Brick and Mortar businesses must be registered with their local governments.

Privacy Policy

All posts, pics, videos etc. are the property of the individual member, business, charity or entity.

We will not share or sell any of the information gathered on the site to third parties, for any reason.

Except where demanded (subpoena by courts) during legal cases, this site will never allow the sharing of personal or private information, at any time, to anyone or any entity, for any reason.

Information gathered through the forms is only viewed by registered trained and vetted Community Enroll To Grow workers.


Site Hosting

This site is hosted by rebel.ca on a private secured server- for server information and privacy please contact the server directly.

Disclaimer – this site administrators will not be held responsible for any breaches of information due to online hacking or internet informational theft – this site is secured by Rebel.ca

Site Information

This site is a not-for-profit site (administered under the direction of the Online Ministry Dept. of Outlook Gospel Lighthouse Inc.) and all income derived is for website creation, site administration, servers, and evangelism costs.

For more information contact:

Site admin:

Outlook Gospel Lighthouse Inc

P. O. Box 178

Outlook, SK

S0L 2N0


Send Email- outlookgospellighthouse@gmail.com